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Breast feeding mothers should avoid eating these foods

Posted on: 05/Aug/2019 10:15:44 AM
It takes 10 months for a baby to grow inside the womb of a mother. Mothers usually take enough care and precautions when they have babies inside their wombs. It must be noted that after giving birth some mothers consume foods without knowing that they might harm their newborns. To gain essential nutrients plus to increase the breast milk levels, breast feeding mothers must maintain regular foods.  It is said that not all the babies react same to the foods and few foods must be avoided.

The foods that must be avoided are

Avoid caffeine intake:
Not many breast feeding mothers know that intake of caffeine could lead to health issues in the babies. It is believed that the body of the babies are not prepared to process caffeine as fast as an adult body. .

Avoid fish intake:
Being selective in consuming fish is important. It is worthy to note that some fishes have high mercury in them and when consumed they might create issues. It is advised that breast feeding moms must follow the same rules of eating fish when they were pregnant.

Avoid intake of parsley or peppermint:
Breast feeding mothers must avoid the intake of these herbs in high amounts as these herbs could reduce the milk quantity. It is said that eating parsley or peppermint in low amounts would not create any issue for the breast feeding mothers.

Avoid taking dairy foods:
This is also one of the important food that a breast feeding mother must avoid for her newborns health to be good. New born might get allergy to the dairy foods and it could lead to skin issues or lack of sleep etc in the babies.

Avoid citrus fruits intake:
The Gastro Intestinal tract of the babies is immature and not developed fully and some compounds present in citrus fruits could lead to irritation in the babies.

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