Getting pregnant is not as easy as many think because it involves many important factors like age, health, proper planning etc. Women always become the target and are harassed by many around them if they don’t get pregnant after the marriage. Inspite of many steps taken as advised by the doctor sometimes couples face disappointment regarding pregnancy.
These below said tips would help a woman become pregnant after her wedding.
By keeping track of the monthly cycle:
It is important to note here that the menstrual cycle lasts for a time of 28 days and on the 14th day only ovulation occurs. The ovaries present in the women release eggs and these eggs are then fertilised by the sperm from males. Intercourse or sex in this time would, increase the chances of women becoming pregnant.. Therefore, it is important for the women to keep track of the monthly cycle.
By quitting smoking, drinking etc:
The reproduction skills could get affected by smoking or drinking. The men who smoke would have low sperm count and the women who drink would have less libido. The chances of infertility get more by these bad habits.
By consuming proper diet:
This is also one of the important ways by which a woman could get pregnant. The fertility of a woman would become more if she eats nutritious foods like proteins, nuts etc.
By following proper sleep schedule:
Sleeping is very important and more so for a woman to become pregnant. Men and women would have low fertility if they do not sleep well. This in turn would lower the chances of women getting pregnant. It is said that sleeping 6 to 7 hours in the night would be good.
By not doing strenuous exercises:
It is advised that women must not do strenuous workouts as these strenuous workouts could interfere with the ovulation and finally the chances of getting pregnant would be less.
By having healthy body weight:
The chances of a woman getting pregnant would reduce if she is fat. It must be noted that having excess fat could produce estrogen and this could hinder the ovulation process. In the same way, being too thin could make it tough for the woman to have a baby. Here, the thin women might not get regular periods and hence would not have the chance to become pregnant. Therefore, women must have healthy body weight to become pregnant.
By knowing about age related fertility issues:
The age related issues in a woman could lead to less quality of eggs due to the changes in her ovaries. Increase in the age of a wowoman could lead to issues like uterine fibroids, endometriosis etc. Sometimes, blockages in the fallopian tubes might take place leading to infertility.