Kumari Palany & Co

Say goodbye to constipation issues by drinking these amazing herbal teas

Posted on: 12/Dec/2020 9:25:08 AM
Sometimes, the bowel movement would become less frequent and the stools would become hard and difficult to pass. This condition is termed as constipation.

If this issue occurs rarely, then it is okay but sometimes this constipation issue would be chronic and the daily activities would get affected. Then it must be considered seriously and must not be neglected. Various reasons for constipation in us are less intake of dietary fibre, lack of physical activity, not drinking enough water etc. This issue can be treated by drinking a few herbal teas.

These herbal teas that could help us to get relief from constipation issues.

By drinking senna tea:
This tea is made from the pods and dried leaves of senna shrub. The glycosides present in senna could act as laxative and would stimulate the intestines. Passing of stools would be easy.

By drinking cascara tea:
From the bark extract of California based buckthorn tree is obtained cascara is known. It is believed that the bark has anthraquinones that would act as laxative. This would provide relief from constipation issues.

By drinking peppermint tea:
The upset stomach would get relaxed by the presence of menthol in this peppermint tea. The stool would be moved through the bowel.

By drinking green tea:
The bowel movements would get faster by the intake of green tea having stimulant caffeine. By drinking this tea, the laxative effect increased the bowel movements. It is well known to us that this green tea could also provide other benefits like weight loss, improves heart health etc.