Kumari Palany & Co

Having a milk allergy!! - Know about these Calcium rich alternatives to milk?

Posted on: 31/Aug/2021 10:02:17 AM
Majority of us consume milk either directly or through beverages like tea, coffee etc. It is true that for many of us the day begins with a bowl of milk and cereal and ends with a glass of warm milk

It is a known fact that milk is rich in calcium, vitamin D, proteins etc that is necessary for our health.

There are certain persons who do not prefer milk and it does not mean that they dislike milk totally. Milk allergy plus other factors like lactose intolerance and diet restrictions could also make a person not to prefer milk.  The bitter truth is that eliminating milk could lead to people to miss out on certain important nutrients. The persons who do not consume milk for various reasons need not feel that they don’t get the important nutrients that are required for their health.

There are few calcium rich milk alternatives available and these are

By consuming spinach:
Truth is that spinach is rich in calcium plus others like magnesium and vitamin K etc. By consuming spinach, a person would have improved bone health plus blood circulation and heart health.

By consuming okra:
A versatile food rich in fibres, calcium etc is okra or bhindi. This is consumed by many across the world. Those who do not drink milk could eat okra as a milk alternative to get the much needed calcium etc.

By consuming non-dairy milk:
At present, varieties of non-dairy milk are available for the people. It is believed that these milk alternatives could provide calcium plus it would be highly nutritious and delicious. Examples are almond milk, soy milk etc.

By consuming sweet potatoes:
For getting the daily dose of antioxidants, calcium, fibres etc it is superb to eat sweet potatoes. Sweet potatoes are highly versatile and many superb dishes could be made out of these.