Kumari Palany & Co

Beware of these high cholesterol symptoms that can become a fatal disease, take care!!

Posted on: 13/Jan/2024 9:07:54 AM
We must try to understand the signs of high cholesterol in us and by that we would be able to prevent cardiovascular diseases etc. There are possibilities of plaque getting accumulated in our arteries due to the presence of high cholesterol levels or due to the elevated levels of low density lipoprotein or bad cholesterol. The high cholesterol levels in us would lead to more chances of getting issues like heart attacks and strokes etc. By recognising these signs, we would be able to get early treatment also.

What is cholesterol exactly?

The fatty substance that is essential for the production of hormones, vitamin D and bile acids for digestion etc is cholesterol.  Lipoproteins mainly low density lipoproteins and high density lipoproteins carry cholesterol in the blood. Two major types of cholesterol are LDL or bad cholesterol and HDL or good cholesterol is known. For the heart health to be good, it is necessary to maintain a balance between bad and good cholesterol levels.

There are certain high cholesterol symptoms that could turn into a fatal disease.


Sometimes, we might have come across yellow coloured bumps or nodules etc under the skin. These are termed as xanthomas or fatty deposits. High cholesterol levels in us are revealed by the presence of xanthomas. These yellow bumps or nodules can appear on our elbows, hands, knees etc. So, please take care.

Arcus senilis:

Arcus senilis is one important symptom of the presence of elevated cholesterol levels in us. The person would have white or grey coloured ring around the iris in his or her eye. Mostly, this symptom is seen in elder persons and in the younger persons the presence of arcus senilis would indicate the lipid abnormalities.

Corneal arcus:

Sometimes, around the cornea, corneal arcus could be present as white or grey coloured ring. This would reveal the presence of elevated cholesterol levels in us. So, please be careful.

Chest pain or angina:

When the heart muscle doesn`t receive enough oxygen rich blood, then we could get chest pain or angina. Truth is that high levels of cholesterol could lead to atherosclerosis and this would lead to reduced flow of blood to the heart.

High blood pressure:

High cholesterol levels coexist with high blood pressure or BP and this would result in strain on the cardiovascular system. It is necessasary to monitor BP regularly.

Various factors that can cause cholesterol levels to increase:

Factors such as genetics, age, diet, lifestyle etc could contribute to high cholesterol levels in us. It is noteworthy that genetics might predispose individuals with high cholesterol levels. The risk of cholesterol levels would increase with age. Lifestyle factors include intake of food rich in high trans-fats or smoking, lack of exercises etc.

Ways to prevent high cholesterol levels in us:

It would be possible to manage the cholesterol levels in us by eating fruits, vegetables, proteins, whole grains etc. By limiting the intake of saturated or trans-fats present in processed foods etc, high cholesterol can be avoided in us. It is true that by engaging in physical activity our good cholesterol levels would increase and bad cholesterol levels would decrease. To improve cardiovascular health, it is necessary that we must quit smoking. The truth is that smoking damages blood vessels and lowers good cholesterol.