The news that has emerged out now is that in the last 24 hours as many as 16096 persons were diagnosed with Coronavirus infection in Tamil Nadu. It is known that yesterday as many as 19280 persons were affected with this deadly fast spreading infection. This sudden reduction in the cases has caught the attention of many now.
In the middle of the January month, daily cases touched 30000 in Tamil Nadu and it shocked many. Now, there is a reduction in the daily cases in the state in the last few days and it had brought happiness and relief on the face of many. In the last 24 hours, 122120 persons in TN were tested for Coronavirus infection and out of that 16086 persons were found to be affected with Coronavirus. In the last 24 hours, as many as 35 persons who were undergoing treatment for this infection have died. As many as 25592 persons have recovered from this infection now in the last 24 hours. In Chennai alone, 2348 persons have been diagnosed with Coronavirus infection now.
In the state of Tamil Nadu, the number of persons who have been undergoing treatment for Coronavirus infection has reduced to 188599 now.