Greater Chennai Corporation Commissioner Prakash announced that though curfew has been imposed, there is no ban on the distribution of the daily newspapaers.
The disinfectant spraying activity by Duron on behalf of GCC has commenced.
After inaugurating this event at the Ripon Buildings, GCC Commissioner shared: there is no ban on the distribution of daily newspapers! Various preventive activities have been undertaken against the coronavirus pandemic spread on behalf of the Greater Chennai Corporation.
Various activities have been undertaken, including spraying of disinfectants, monitoring the isolated patients with doctors, gathering the people stuck at the airport and Railway stations and arrange 20 camps for them to sty, etc. So far, 22000 houses have been isolated.
After imposition of 144, large crowds have been totally controlled. This disinfectant sprayer has been created by Anna University and a trailer-run was organised with the spraying of disinfectants in the market and huts/slum areas.
The ban has been imposed on delivering cooked food. This continues. However, there is no ban on private agencies or supermarkets delivering grocery items. The citizens can order grocery items through phone or online.