Kumari Palany & Co

Officials to make house-to-house calls to update voters list

Posted on: 02/Feb/2016 4:02:51 PM
Officials have started making house-to-house visits to carry out the correction of names & other details and also distribute new voter IDs.

Special camps have been conducted in Tamil Nadu to ensure removal of bogus voters and to enlist new voters and also carry out corrections in the existing list.

53089 applications for addition as new names, 899 applications for removal of names, 4878 applications for correction of details such as names, etc, and 6756 applications for change of address were received during these special camps for a total of 66622 applications.

It was earlier announced that voters can visit the website online - www.elections.tn.gov.in -  to carry out addition or correction of names.

These online applications received were compiled and a voters list was made.

With these data, officials are making house-to-house visits and distributing new Voter ID cards.

A Chennai Corporation official informed that many people had applied for correction & inclusion of names online. These were immediately downloaded and a new ward or region-wise special voter list was prepared.

This special list has been sent to the regional revenue departments. The revenue officers have been divided into 2 teams as Tax collectors and those who make estimates for the tax.

The officials from these teams make house-to-house visits using the list of people who applied for correction/inclusion online and check whether the details given in the online applications are true.

Hence, new voter ID cards are to be given shortly for those who applied online.

Thousands of people have applied that they have lost or damaged their voter IDs during the recent floods . Revenue department tax collectors and tax estimators are engaged in arranging new voter ID cards for these people.

Though special officers are deployed in the team review, tax collectors & tax estimators are also being deployed on this task as per the demand. 

Hence, the damaged voter ID cards being replaced with new ones. This task is expected to be completed shortly.

The last camp is scheduled to be organised on Saturday, 6th February. People who find their names left out in the final voters list, and people who completed 18 years of age as on 1st January, 2016 (those who were born before 1st January, 1998), can fill up form 6, form 7 for name removal, Form 8 for correction of details, ad form 8A for the people who have shifted another Assembly constituency along with a copy of the proof for the same can submit them in the special camp.

Those who possess more than 1 voter ID card can surrender the extra in these camps or regional offices.