In the future, the residents of Chennai might come across an eco-park near 6 culverts in Velachery. The GCC or Greater Chennai Corporation has got plans for this. In this regard, a DPR or detailed project report has been prepared and in March the eco-park construction would begin.
It is worthy to mention that this work is a part of flood mitigation work from GCC. Point is that GCC has created a pond adjacent to the culverts where the rainwater would flow from residential areas to storm water drains or SWD, Excess rainwater would be stored in this pond and by that inundation would be avoided especially in the rainy season.
It was explained by a senior officer from GCC that through works like de-silting and bund strengthening etc that are carried out in the pond near culvert, an eco-park would be set up in Velachery. He added that once DPR gets finalised then tender would be floated and work would be started in March. He concluded that cycle bays, bird watching and sponge-park etc would be created. Near the Velachery MRTS station, a night street would be set up.
An amount of Rs 15lakhs has been allotted by GCC for this now but the budget would be finalised based on the facilities proposed in the eco-park. The residents of Velachery are unhappy regarding the eco-park as they feel that the pond would block the water flow to the culverts. It is superb to note that since the floods in 2025 the six vent culverts have prevented flooding in the locality.
According to a resident from Velachery it was clear that the residents were happy regarding the developmental works by GCC but they want an eco-park without disrupting the natural lines. It must be noted that the six vent culverts prevent inundation in the locality. He spoke about how the pond construction and huge pipes laid on the water body would prevent free flow of water. Important piece of information is that unlike the previous years there was no inundation during the NE monsoon season in 2024 as the pond built near the culverts was able to store excess rainwater.