Kumari Palany & Co

Disrict Collectors Meeting with Chief Minister held in Secretariate

Posted on: 19/Dec/2012 1:30:15 PM
The focus of the day was the state’s economic progress  Each district collectors were given a topic pertaining to a state scheme. “The topics varied from agriculture, animal husbandry, social welfare to solid waste management and municipal administration,”Chief Minister told them that to  put their best foot forward to stand out and impress Chief Minister J.Jayalalithaa at the collectors conference. The CM keenly observed the collectors and took notes whenever an interesting point was made.

Ms Jayalalithaa, in her opening remarks, stressed on making TN a numero uno state in the country. This would become a reality if collectors successfully implemented government policies. Tiruvarur collector arrested the attention of the CM the most thanks to his PowerPoint presentation on the success of the groundwater recharge system and arresting of seawater intrusion in the district. Ramanathapuram collector also struck a chord.

Chennai collector wrap­ped up the meet with a brie­fing on the gold for thali scheme. Tirunelveli and Krishnagiri collectors were among five others who would be attending the session with IPS officers on the final day for want of time.