Director of School Education, S. Kannappan has sent a circular to educational officers regarding accident free Deepavali festival. In the circular he has mentioned: Coming 29th, the Deepavali festival will be celebrated. On this happy occasion due to negligence in bursting fire crackers, there is damage to life and materials. Moreover students sustain injuries and also lose their vision. So a practical awareness campaign for safe Deepavali should be inculcated in the minds of school children. Here are some Do`s and Don`ts to remember for an accident-free Diwali:
- Wear clothes that fit close to your body while playing with fireworks. Loose flowing clothes are not a good idea.It is advisable to wear cotton clothes rather than wearing synthetic as they catch fire easily.
- Always keep a bucket of water ready to be used if any mishap occurrs due to fire-works.
- Hold the crackers away from the body.
- Do not put fireworks in any container to ignite.
- Never ignite aerial fireworks where there are slums.
- Never shoot fireworks in metal or glass containers.
- Do not use crackers in crowded places.
- Do not use crackers near fire crackers shops.
- An adult should always supervise the use of fireworks by children.
- Crackers should not be lighted near hospitals.
- Crackers igniting should not harm animals.
- Crackers should not be ignited where petrol is stored.
- Don’t burst crackers between 10 pm to 6 am.
- Don’t burst high decibel crackers because they will affect your hearing as well as create psychological problems.
Teachers and headmasters should enlighten the above points during the assembly. They should be advised not to bend over fireworks after lighting them.