Tamil Superstar Rajinikanth’s Kochadaiyaan will be released in July 2013, according to the film’s co-producer Dr J.Murali Manohar.Kochadaiyan is the first-flick in India to use motion capturing techniques in 3D like Avatar, The Adventure of Tintin, The Secret of the Unicorn.
The film will be released in three vernaculars, Tamil, Telugu and Hindi as well as in Japanese, French and Italian.The post-production work of the film will be over before the April end and also has plans to make the film editing to 2 hours and 5 minutes.
It is a epic film in which Deepika Padukone plays opposite Rajinikanth.Very recently, Rajinikanth, Soundarya the daughter of the Superstar and director of the film and other family members along with Director K.S.Ravikumar watched the film at the Superstar’s house.Director Ravi Kumar said, that he was thrilled by the way the film was produced.