Bangalore, 14th August 2019: Sunfeast Dark Fantasy, the premium cookie brand from ITC Ltd has rolled out its new TVC which feature Alia Bhatt in her ever exuberant persona. Revisiting the brand’s tagline “Can’t wait, won’t wait”, the commercial showcases how Alia is eagerly waiting for the engagement ceremony to conclude so that everyone can celebrate the occasion with the new meetha on the block, Sunfeast Dark Fantasy. With this new communication, the brand aspires to position itself as the ‘New Meetha’ which people can take pride in serving their guests.
The commercial captures Alia’s temptation to grab a cookie when she realizes that there is only one cookie left in the tray. The TVC also displays how Dark Fantasy is a ‘meetha’ that can be easily served to many people due to its convenience and is an alluring offering due to its elegant packaging.