Schools in Tamil Nadu reopened today (Monday, 13th June) after the summer vacation for the students from the 1st Standard to the 9th Standard.
The State Government of Tamil Nadu Department of School Education has ordered a refreshment course for the students in the 1st week of reopening! As such, the students are delighted to return to school!
The students were permitted to enter the classrooms only after their body temperature was checked.
As such, schools reopened after the summer vacation in Tamil Nadu. Subsequently, the classes for the new academic year 2022-23 have commenced for the students studying up to the 10-th Standard!
The schools will reopen for the +2 students on 20th June and on 27th June for the +1 students (11th Standard).
Textbooks for all classes have been sent to government and government-aided schools.
The school headmasters/principals have been ordered to distribute the free textbooks and notebooks on the very first day of the school reopening itself!
With the schools reopening, for the first week, a refreshment course will be conducted for the students before taking up the subject lessons and also the refreshment course to focus on good habits and good mental health!
It has been announced that the regular classes with the subject textbooks will commence after the first week of the refreshment course!