Kerala, Western Tamil Nadu, Interior Tamil Nadu and southern Tamil Nadu are going to see Thunderstorms with massive LWD with winds from east clashing with winds from West. The convergence happens in the interiors Tamil Nadu. The rains will have high winds to start with accompanied with Thunder and lightening. Some places will see hailstorm too in the interior districts. These rains last maximum 1 hour in most cases.
Kerala for a change will see Thunderstorms as Monsoon rains which caused massive floods have stopped a month ago.
Kanyakumari and Nellai belt too will see rains. Even Ramanathpuram for a change will get good spells. Tiruppur, Ooty, Dindigul too will join the party. Almost all district in interiors like Coimbatore, Namakkal, Erode, Salem, Krishnagiri, Dharmapuri, Trichy, Madurai, sivaganga, pudukottai getting.
In short words entire western interior districts and southern Tamil Nadu will get very good rains.
After this spell, most of the district which was lagging in this season will get very good rains.
Chennai and north Tamil Nadu coastal districts might get some stray spells. But mostly they eat mixture with these kind of wind pattern.
Bangalore too is ideally located for rains.
Courtesy: Tamil Nadu Weatherman