The Chennai Meteorological Centre has informed that the low-pressure zone initially formed and later transformed into a cyclone called ‘Fani’, has now developed into a violent cyclone today (Monday, 29th April).
There are no prospects of this cyclone crossing the Tamil Nadu coasts. As the cyclone is drifting, it may cross 300 km away from the Northern Coastal Tamil Nadu. So, there are prospects of mild rain in a few places for 3 days in the Northern Tamil Nadu including Chennai
The Assistant Chief Director of the Chennai Meteorological Centre, S. Balachandran, shared:
‘The cyclone ‘Fani’ is located at 1040 km southeast of Chennai over the Bay of Bengal. It may transform into a violet cyclone by midnight 28th April and then into an even more violet cyclone on 29th April (today).
Later, in the next 2 days (39th April and 1st May), it will drift towards the northwest and may approach within 300 km of the South Andhra Coastal area adjacent o Northern Tamil Nadu. Then, it may change directions and drift towards the north or northeast. Because of this, there are o prospects of Fani crossing the Tamil Nadu Coast. So, there are no harms likely in Tamil Nadu because of Fani.
However, as the cyclone nears the area between North Tamil Nadu and South Andhra Coast, there are prospects of mild rain in a few places in Northern Tamil Nadu including Chennai for 3 days from 29th April (today).
When the cyclone drifts towards the northeast, the insanity of heat may increase. As the sea will be violent due to the above cyclone, the fishermen are warned not to venture into the ocean in the southeast Bay of Bengal and the central west Bay of Bengal areas. Those who have ventured deep-sea fishing are advised to return to coast immediately.’