N Puviarasan, director, Area Cyclone Warning Centre, Regional Meteorological Centre, Chennai, informed that most areas of Tamil Nadu will see light to moderate rain over the next 24 hours. Heavy to very heavy rain is likely to occur over Ramanathapuram and Thoothukudi. Heavy rain is also likely over Thanjavur, Tiruvarur, Mayiladuthurai Nagapattinam, Tirunelveli, Kanniyakumari, Sivaganga, Madurai and Pudukkottai.”
Thunderstorms with light to moderate rain will occur over many places, with dry weather prevailing over the rest of the State. In Chennai, skies will be cloudy and light to moderate rain is expected, with temperatures between 29 and 24 degrees C.
The weather blogger K Srikanth, who runs the page Chennai Rains, shared, “Parts of south Tamil Nadu will see moderate rain, particularly along the coast. More rain bands are seen over the Bay of Bengal, which might bring in moderate to heavy rains between Delta districts and south Tamil Nadu. Possible showers in Chennai as well.”
The continuation of upper air circulation along the Sri Lankan coast will cause light to moderate rain in Chennai, while southern districts can expect heavy rainfall till January 12. Thunderstorms will also occur across isolated areas in the State.