Many are suffering from debilitating back pain. One of the more popular victims was recently actor Hrithik Roshan who was unable to dance due to the pain. According to a study conducted across 50 countries, 9.4% of people suffer from some form of back pain that cause disabilities in the daily life.
So how do you prevent the pain from affecting your activities? One way is t use a back corset. Dancers, acrobats and sportsmen wear back corsets during training. The corset helps the person be `back fit`. This basically means that the back should be able to stretch easily and have flexibility of the spinal joints. Says an orthopaedic surgeon, `It has been found that prolonged rest after any back injury (fractures excluded) is not good. Take a day or two of rest with medication and get the back moving again, within the pain limits. This way one can avoid the back getting stiffer. It has often been found that a stiff back takes more time to treat... Supervised yoga sessions have shown improvement in patients. It is often seen that a strong but tight muscle is prone to injury. At the same time, stretches have to be within the limits so that there is no further pull of muscles and no injury to the back.
For the urban population, two major reasons for back pain are a sedentary lifestyle and improper posture. Another orthopaedic and joint replacement surgeon says, The most basic thing a person must take care of is not to curve the back while lifting something from the floor. It is important to always bend your knees and also try and keep your back straight. This is an important aspect and if followed, helps to avoid the issues of back pain.`
But there are cases when the cause of back pain is not clear. Factors that may contribute to pain can be obesity, stress, anxiety, depression and old age. In these cases, patients must follow medication and therapy. Say doctors, The basic pain lasts for three to four weeks but if it exceeds six weeks then there is a need for further evaluation. Also if the pain is radiating to both legs, till the knees, then there could be symptoms like fever, weight loss, loss of appetite, and morning stiffness with pain in other joints of the body. This could be an indication of underlying illnesses.
A physically active person needs to prepare properly in advance to avoid long term back injuries. Doctors say that a proper diet also contributes to back health. Another reason for pain can be psychological and emotional factors. Besides posture, the daily diet also plays an important role. For highly physically active people, it is important to have a good balance of proteins and carbohydrates in their diets. Starving or a strict diet affects health which leads to decreased bone mass... A multi-disciplinary approach of treating stress-related back pain includes evaluation of physical, emotional, cognitive and environmental factors. When all these aspects are considered, treatment is found to yield better results, they say.