Found in Mediterranean regions and in Asia, chaste berry is known by other names like vitex agnus castus, chaste tree, lilac chaste tree, monk pepper etc. It is worth mentioning that the fruit of the chaste tree is called chaste berry and is dried and taken in the form of capsules, tablets etc.
Superb health benefits which we could get by consuming chaste berry are
Improves fertility:
The important information is female fertility gets improved by chaste berry due to its positive effects on prolactin levels. It is known that prolactin is a hormone that plays an important role in the production of breast milk. It must be taken into account that women with luteal phase defect are linked to abnormally high prolactin levels and this could make it difficult for a woman to become pregnant. The prolactin levels reduced when women having high prolactin levels were given chaste berry extract.
Insect bites are avoided:
By repelling mosquitoes, insects, pests etc for 6 hours, chaste berry extract could prevent insect bites. Lice larva gets killed by chaste berry and production of adult lice gets inhibited.
PMS symptoms get eased:
Women get PMS symptoms like irritability, constipation, migraine, depression etc and chaste berry has got capacity to lower these symptoms. It must e noted that chaste berry works by reducing pro lactin levels and help rebalance other hormones.
Inflammation gets lowered:
The anti-inflammatory property of chaste berry is due to the presence of casticin (phytochemical). Pain could get treated. It is revealed that this phytochemical might have therapeutic potential in inflammatory lung diseases like COPD etc.
Aids in repair of bones:
The issue called osteoporosis could lead to bone fractures in us and they affect atleast 2% of the population. It must be noted that women with bone fractures when given chaste berry with magnesium supplements and showed increased markers for bone repair.