If you are having overactive bladder problem then don’t worry because you are not alone!!
Here, the persons would have frequent need to urinate and this could create embarrassment. Without any warning, if the muscles of the urinary bladder contract suddenly, then this issue of overactive bladder occurs.
This frequent urination would also prevent us from sound sleeping. It is important that we must avoid certain foods when dealing with overactive bladder issue.
Foods that must be avoided are
Avoid spicy foods:
It is important that a person must not eat spicy foods when he or she is dealing with overactive urinary bladder. The urinary bladder lining gets irritated when we consume spicy foods etc.
Avoid coffee:
A person having overactive bladder issue must not drink coffee. It is known that coffee is both diuretic as well as bladder irritant. The caffeine present in coffee would make kidneys to produce more urine.
Avoid citrus fruits:
It must be taken into account that citrus fruits like tomato, oranges etc should be avoided when dealing with overactive urinary bladder problem. The acidic nature of the citrus fruits could irritate the urinary tract.
Avoid artificial sugar:
Avoid intake of aspartame, saccharin and other artificial sweeteners as these could make the symptoms of overactive bladder worse.