Tamil Nadu Agricultural University one of the premier Agricultural Institutes of India commences its undergraduate admission processfor the academic year 2022-2023 from 28.6.2022. The admission will be made for the twelve (12) Undergraduate degree programs for the 18 Constituent Colleges and 28 Affiliated Colleges.
The Undergraduate degree programs being offered in Tamil Nadu Agricultural University are, B.Sc.(Hons.) Agriculture, B.Sc.(Hons.) Horticulture, B.Sc.(Hons.) Agriculture (Tamil medium), B.Sc.(Hons.) Horticulture (Tamil medium), B.Sc.(Hons.) Forestry, B.Sc.(Hons.) Food, Nutrition and Dietetics, B.Tech. (Agricultural Engineering), B.Sc.(Hons.) Sericulture, B.Tech. (Food Technology), B.Tech.(Biotechnology), B.Tech. (Energy and Environmental Engineering) and B.Sc. (Hons.) Agri Business Management.
The entire admission process is online. For all the twelve UG degree programs, only one online application is required. In this academic year, 2148 candidates in Constituent colleges and 2337 students in Affiliated colleges will be admitted.
Candidates can register their applications online by visiting the official website https://tnau.ucanapply.com and submit all the necessary details along with application fee. The online application will be open up to 27.7.2022.
The online application admission process comprised of the following steps online registration, application filling, release of rank list, online counseling, seat allotment, certificate verification, sliding and provisional seat allotment. The user guidelines, FAQs and step wise procedure are available in www.tnau.ac.in. The rank list will be published on 05.08.2022. The exact dates of counseling and other related processes will also be uploaded time to time in the website.
The candidates may contact the helpline numbers 0422-6611322, 0422-6611328, 0422-6611345, 0422- 6611346 (9.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. on working days). The candidates can also get suggestions through the e-mail ugadmissions@tnau.ac.in